Even words need a GPS

Helena Helsing Mork

A brand is more than a platform and a visual identity. It has a personality and tonality that should be experienced internally, externally, and wherever you communicate, to distinguish the brand and business from your competitors. This one-voice approach would be simple if your employees were cloned robots, but for the time being, they are individuals, complete with personal interpretations and preferences.

As a result, some of them go into detail about the company’s offering, regardless of whether the audience consists of product developers, investors, or consumers. Others go by instinct and paint a high-flying picture of what they wish was your business. Some employees are even a bit confused about what you do these days. And some believe that the wording you agreed on back in 2007 is still valid.

This is where the messaging guide calls for attention. Like a well-organized toolbox or GPS navigator, it summarizes the offerings and building blocks of your brand, the unifying sayings in the brand platform and key messages for prioritised target groups directed by their various needs.

And hocus-pocus, alakazam! With the messaging guide in place, anyone in the organization can give a unified company presentation. The most desirable talent understand why they should apply for a job at your company rather than your competitor’s. Communicating at a trade show is not even a small problem anymore. As if that wasn’t enough, the sales and marketing teams are heading in the same direction as the ones at Innovation and HR: towards the brand’s vision.

Helena Helsing Mork
Concept developer & copywriter

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